
无为英文单词怎么说 中国历史翻译常用术语

无为英文单词怎么说 中国历史翻译常用术语


旧石器时代 Paleolithic 或者 Old Stone Age

新石器时代 Neolithic 或者 New Stone Age

部落联盟 Tribal Union

传说时代 Mythical history

三皇五帝 Three Sovereigns and Five Legends 或者统称为 Legendary Ancient Sages

黄帝 Huang Di,Huang Ti 或者 Yellow Emperor

炎帝 Yan Di,Yan Ti,Yan Emperor 或者 Flame Emperor

华夏部 Huaxia Tribal Union

九黎部 Jiuli Tribal Union 或者 Tribal Union of Nine Lis

三代 Great Reigns of Three Generations

尧天舜日 Great Reigns of Yao and Shun

禅让制 Abdicating and passing down the throne

大禹 Yu, the Great

夏朝 Xia dynasty 或者 Hsia dynasty

商朝 Shang dynasty

信史 Faithful history

殷墟 Ruins of Yin, Relic of Yin 或者直接Yin Xu

甲骨文 Scripts on Oracle Bones

青铜年代 Bronze Age

周朝 Zhou dynasty 或者 Chou dynasty

西周 Western Zhou

天命 Mandate of Heaven

天子 Son of the Heavenly King

周公旦 Duke of Zhou

礼乐制度 Rites and Music Principals

周礼 Rituals of Zhou

成康之治 Great Reigns of King Cheng and King Kang

昭王伐楚 Campaign against Chu during King Zhao’s Reign

穆天子之旅 Journey of King Mu

穆天子传 Tale of King Mu

国人暴动 Riot of people in the capital city

烽火戏诸侯 War Signal Drama 或者 Fake War Signals

东周 Eastern Zhou

春秋 Spring and Autumn Period

战国 Warring States Period

春秋五霸 Five Hegemons

吴越争霸 Contention of Wu and Yue 或者 Rivalry between Wu and Yue

战国七雄:貌似没有专门的说法,一般就是Seven Warring States

百家争鸣 Hundred Schools of Thoughts

儒家 Confucianism

孔子 Confucius 或 School of Ru(不常用)

孟子 Mencius

荀子 Xuncius

道家 Taoism 或 Daoism

老子 Lao Tzu 或 Laozi

庄子 Chuang Tzu或Zhuangzi

无为 Wu-wei,解释为Action of actionless

墨家 Mohism

法家 Legalism

名家 Logicianism 或者 School of Names

阴阳家 Naturalism,School of Naturalists 或者 School of Yin and Yang

纵横家 School of Diplomacy

小说家 School of Minor Talks

杂家 Syncretism

农家 Agriculturalism

医家 School of Medicine

兵家 School of Military

孙子兵法 The Art of War 或者 Art of Wars

孙子 Sun Tzu

四书五经 Four Books and Five Classics

论语 Analects of Confucius 或者直接 Lun Yu

大学 Great Learning

中庸 Doctrine of the Mean 或者直接 Zhongyong

诗经 Classic of Poetry 或者 Classic of Songs

书经 Book of Documents

礼记 Book of Rites 或者 Classic of Rites

易经 Book of Changes 或者 I-Ching

春秋 Annals of Spring and Autumn

六韬 Six Secret Teachings

商君书 The Book of Lord Shang

管子 Guanzi

韩非子 Han Feizi

法经 Canon of Laws

尸子 Shizi

列子 Liezi

竹书纪年 Bamboo Annals

战国四公子 Four Lords of Warring States

食客 Retainer

商鞅变法 Reform of Shang Yang in State Qin

胡服骑射 Riding and shooting in nomadic dress

都江堰 Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project

太傅 Grand Tutor

太保 Grand Guard

太师 Grand Preceptor

商纣王King Zhou of Shang

周武王 King Wu of Zhou

齐桓公 Duke Huan of Qi

越王勾践 King Gou Jian of Yue


秦朝 Qin dynasty 或者 Chin dynasty

秦始皇 Qin Shi Huang Emperor,First Emperor of Qin 或者 Shi Huang Ti

兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors

焚书坑儒 Burning of Books and Burying of Confucianism Scholars

陈胜吴广起义 Dazexiang Uprising

灵渠 Ling Canal

阿房宫 Epang Palace

楚汉战争 Chu-Han Contention

西楚霸王 Prince of Western Chu

汉朝 Han dynasty

冒顿单于 Modu Chanyu

军臣单于 Gunchen Chanyu

东胡 Donghu 或者 Eastern Hu

游牧民族 Nomadic people

南蛮 Southern Barbarians

百越 Hundred Yue Tribes 或者 Hundred Viet Tribes

文景之治 Great Reigns of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing

七国之乱 Rebellion of seven feudatory states

罢黜百家独尊儒术 (to) Promote Confucianism and suppress other schools of thoughts

史记 Record of the Grand Historian 或者就叫 Shiji

二十四史 The 24 Official History Accounts 或者 The 24 Official Histories

丝绸之路 Silk Road

焉耆 Yanqi,Karachar或者Karasahr

月氏 Yueh-Chi 或者 Ro-Chi

康居 Sogdiana

大宛 Dayuan 或 Tayuan

拔汗那(其实就是费尔干纳) Ferghana

大夏 Bactria

朝鲜半岛汉四郡 Four Commanderies of Han in Korean Peninsula 或者 Four Counties of Han in Korean Peninsula

贵霜 Kushan

安息 Parthia

大秦 Roman Empire

河西走廊 River-west Corridor, River-west Aisle, Hexi Corridor 或者直接 Hexi

玉门关 Yumen Pass 或者 Jade Gate Pass

罪己诏 Edict of Introspection

西域都护府(西汉) Western Region Protectorate

西域长史府(东汉)Western Region Chief Administration Bureau

高句丽 Goguryeo

新朝 Xin dynasty

光武中兴 The Reign of Emperor Guangwu

造纸术 Paper-making technology

黄巾起义 Yellow Turbans Uprising

吕布 Lyu Bu,Lv Bu 或者 Lu Bu

赤壁之战 Battle of Red Cliffs

三公九卿 Three Councillors and Nine Ministers/Chamberlains

丞相/宰相 Chancellor

司马 Chancellor of Wars

司徒 Chancellor of Masses

司空 Chancellor of Constructions 或者 Chancellor of Works

太常卿 Minister of Ceremonies

卫尉卿 Minister of Defense 或者 Minister of Guards

光禄卿 Minister of Imperial Household

廷尉(后来的大理寺卿) Minister of Justice

宗正 Minister of Royal Clan

大司农 Minister of Finance

汉高祖 Emperor Gaozu of Han

汉武帝 Emperor Wu of Han

刺史 Cishi, the provincial-level governor

州牧 Zhoumu,the provincial-level governor

太守 Taishou,the prefectural-level governor

县令 Xianling,the county-level governor 或者 county magistrate

中郎 Inner Gentleman

中郎将 Leader of court gentlemen

汉赋 Rhapsody poetry of Han dynasty 或者就叫 Fu Poetry

汉书 Book of Han

后汉书 Book of Later Han

盐铁论 Discourses on Salt and Iron

金缕玉衣 A jade suit with golden wires

九章算术 Nine Chapters of Mathematics

昭君出塞 Wang Zhaojun’s Marriage to Xiongnu


竹林七贤 Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest

三国志 Records of Three Kingdoms

晋朝 Jin dynasty

八王之乱 The War of Eight Princes

永嘉之变 Disaster of Yongjia

五胡乱华 Five groups of barbarians invaded Northern China

鲜卑 Xianbei 或者 Siber

嚈哒 Hephthalite


十六国 Sixteen Kingdoms 或者 Sixteen States

祖逖北伐 Northern Expeditions of Zu Ti

兰亭集序 Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Poems

书圣(王羲之)Master of Chinese calligraphy

田园诗 Poetry of Chinese Fields and Gardens

山水诗 Poetry of Chinese Landscapes

淝水之战 Battle of Fei River

前秦 Kingdom of Former Qin

晋书 Book of Jin

南北朝 Southern and Northern dynasties

北魏 Northern Wei 或者 Tuoba Wei

东魏 Eastern Wei

西魏 Western Wei

北齐 Northern Qi 或者 Northern Chi

北周 Northern Zhou 或者 Northern Chou

南朝宋 Liu Song dynasty

南朝齐 Southern Qi 或者 Southern Chi

南朝梁 Liang dynasty

南朝陈 Chen dynasty

孝文帝改革 Reform of Emperor Xiaowen

汉化 Sinicization(动词 Sinicize)

鲜卑化 Xianbeilization

云冈石窟 Yungang Grottoes

龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes

鸠摩罗什 Kumarajiva

达摩 Bodhidharma

禅宗 Zen

华严宗 Flower Garland School

天台宗 Tiantai School 或者 Tendai School

密宗 Esoteric School

妙法莲华经 Lotus Sutra

六镇起义 Riot of Six Military Towns

侯景之乱 Rebellion of Hou Jing

齐民要术 Essential Techniques for People’s Welfare

水经注 Commentary on the Water Classic

世说新语 A New Account of Tales in the World

吐谷浑 Tuyuhun Kingdom

象雄 Zhang-Zhung

敕勒(其实就是铁勒、高车) Tiele

关陇集团 Military clans of Guanzhong and Longshan

士族 Nobel clans 或则 Shizu clans

庶族 Normal clans 或者 Shuzu clans

府兵制 Local Militia system 或者 Fubing system

玉树后庭花 Jade Tree and Backyard Flowers

南史 History of Southern Dynasties

北史 History of Northern Dynasties

魏书 Book of Wei

北齐书 Book of Northern Qi

周书 Book of Zhou

宋书 Book of Song (注意和宋史区分)

齐书 Book of Q

梁书 Book of Liang

陈书 Book of Chen

玉台新咏 New Songs from the Jade Terrace

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