
入院英语单词怎么说 英语听力口语对话100篇建议收藏

入院英语单词怎么说 英语听力口语对话100篇建议收藏

Dialogue 1

A: Come in and sit down.What‘s the trouble?

B: Doctor, I have a bad coughand a sore throat.

A: Do you have a fever?

B: I don‘t know. But I feel terrible.

A: First let me take your temperature.

B: Ok.

(Five minutes later)

A: Don‘t worry. You are just having a bad cold. Go home to bed and take one of these pills every 6 hours. You will be fine soon.

B: I got it. Thank you.

A: Drink more water and get a good rest.

B: I will. Thanks again.

Dialogue 2

A: Hello, doctor.

B: What‘s wrong with you?

A: I have a backache.

B: Do you often suffer from the backache?

A: No, I never had one before.

B: How long does it last for?

A: Almost 4 days.

B: Let me see .Well, go home and get some rest in bed. It‘s not a big deal.

A: Can you give me some medicine? It‘s really painful.

B: Ok. Take one pill a time and 3 times a day. If you still feel bad in 4 days, come back again.

A: Thank you.

Key words

  1. cough :咳嗽;
  2. sore throat:嗓子疼;
  3. fever:发烧;
  4. temperature:体温; 量体温可以用: take one‘s temperature.
  5. backache: 背疼;
  6. last for: 持续;
  7. big deal:大不了; not a big deal: 不是什么大问题;deal单独使用的时候,有"成交"之意;
  8. Take one pill a time and 3 times a day:一次一片,一日三次。记住这个句型,服药用take.


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