
同事英文短语推荐 colleague的中文翻译是什么意思怎么读

同事英文短语推荐 colleague的中文翻译是什么意思怎么读

Word of the Day:June 2, 2021



noun KAH-leeg




: an associate or coworker typically in a profession or in a civil or ecclesiastical office and often of similar rank or status :a fellow worker or professional



Rochelle‘s creativity, professional demeanor, and ability to get things done soon earned her the respect of her colleagues.

Rochelle 的创造力、职业素养和完成任务的能力很快为她赢得了同事的尊重。

"Without an option to drop by a colleague‘s desk to ask a casual question, teams felt there should be more process conversations, but also that these chats could be exhausting. Some teams moved away from using video meetings to less-demanding communication tools like Slack." — The New York Times, 24 Apr. 2021

如果无法到同事的办公桌旁随意问问题,团队又觉得应该有更多的交流过程,但这些聊天可能会让人筋疲力尽。一些团队不再使用视频会议,而是使用要求不高的像Slake的通信工具 .

Did You Know?

Which of the following words come from the same source as colleague: college, legacy, collaborate, allegation, collar, relegate, delegate? It might be easier to guess if you know that the ancestor in question is legare, a Latin verb meaning "to choose or send as a deputy or emissary" or "to bequeath." All of the words in the list above except collaborate (which comes from the Latin collaborare, meaning "to labor together") and collar (from collum, collus, Latin for "neck") are descendants of legare.

以下哪个词与colleague来自相同的来源:college「学院」、collaborate「遗产」、collaborate「合作」、allegation「指控」、collar「衣领」、relegate「降级」、delegate「委托」?如果您知道这个讨论的祖先是 legare,则可能很容易猜到,这个拉丁动词的意思是“to choose or send as a deputy or emissary「选择代理人或派遣使者」”或“tobequeath「遗赠」”。上面列表中的所有单词除了collaboration(来自拉丁语 collaborare,意思是“to labor together「一起劳动」”)和collar(来自collum,collus,拉丁语为“neck「脖子」”)都是legare的后裔。

Name That Synonym

Fill in the blanks to complete a synonym of colleague: c _ _ fr _ _ e.

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