
giant英语是什么意思怎么读 不及格的英文正确表达

giant英语是什么意思怎么读 不及格的英文正确表达

一 词汇

1 fact [fækt]n. 事实

2 factor[ˈfæktə(r)] n. 因素

3 fail [feil]vt.& vi.失败,不及格

4 failure [ˈfeiljə]n.失败,不及格

5 fall [fɔ:l]vi. 掉下,落下

6 famous [ˈfeiməs] adj.著名的

7 fear [fiə] n. 害怕 vt. 畏惧;害怕

8 fee[fi:] n.费用

9 feed [fi:d] vt. 喂养

10 festival [ˈfestɪvl] n. 节日

11 fever [ˈfi:və(r)] n. 发热,发烧

12 few [fju:] adj.很少的;很少

13 fight [faɪt] vt.& vi. 战斗;打架;n. 打架

14 fill [fɪl] vt.& vi. (使)充满

15 final [ˈfainəl] adj.最后的,最终的

16 firm [fə:m] adj. 坚固的;n.公司

17 fit [fɪt] vt.& vi.适合;adj.合适的

18 fix [fiks] vt.固定

19 flat [flæt] adj. 平的

20 flight [flaɪt] n. (物体的)飞行

21 floor [flɔ:(r)] n. 地面,地板

22 flow [fləu] vi. 流;流出;n. 流动

23 fly [flaɪ] vi. 飞 vt. 驾驶 n. 苍蝇

24 fog [fɔɡ] n. 雾

25 fold [fəuld] vt. 折叠

26 folk [fəuk] n. 民族;人从 adj. 民间的

27 follow [ˈfɔləu] vt.& vi. 跟随,接着

28 fool [fu:l] n. 愚人,傻瓜 vt. 愚弄,欺骗

29 force [fɔ:s] n.武力;vt. 强迫

30 forever [fərˈevə(r)] adv. 永远

31 forget [fəˈget] vt. 忘记

32 former [ˈfɔ:mə(r)] adj. 以前的

33 found [faʊnd] vt. 创办

v. 发现( find 过去式)

34 fresh [freʃ] adj. 新鲜的

35 fun [fʌn] n. 乐趣

36 friendly [ˈfrendli] adj.友好的

37 furniture [‘fɜːnɪtʃə] n. 家具

38 future [‘fjuːtʃə] adj. 将来的 n. 未来

39 garage [‘gærɑː(d)ʒ; -ɪdʒ; gə‘rɑːʒ] n. 车库

40 gather [‘ɡæðə] vt. 收集

41 gesture [‘dʒestʃə] n. 姿态;手势

42 get-together n. 聚会,联欢会

43 ghost [ɡəust] n. 鬼,幽灵

44 giant [‘dʒaiənt] n. 巨人 adj. 巨大的

45 glad [ɡlæd] adj. 高兴的;乐意的

46 glance [ɡlɑ:ns, ɡlæns] n. 一瞥 v. 扫视

47 gold [ɡəuld] n. 金,黄金

48 golden [‘ɡəuldən] adj. 金色的,黄金般的

49 goods [ɡudz] n. 商品

50 goose [ɡu:s] n. 鹅

二 语法

时态: 现在完成时

1 概念:过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果;从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或结果。

2 时间状语:recently, lately, since, for in the past few years, etc.

3 基本结构:have/has done

4 否定形式:have/has not done

5 一般疑问句:have 或 has 提前

6 例句:

I have lived here for 4 years since I came here.

We have translated the book into 4 languages.


1 I____ already ____ (see) the film. I ________ (see) it last


2 _____ he ____ (finish) his work today? Not yet.

3. My father ____ just ____ (come) back from work. He is

tired now.

4. Where’s Li Ming ? He __________ (go) to the teacher’

s office.

5. I __________ (work) here since I ______ (move) here in


6. So far I _________(make) quite a few friends here.

7. How long ______ the Wangs ______(stay) here ? For

two weeks.

8. I ______ just ______ (finish) my homework.

9. He ______ (go) to school on foot every day.

10.____ you ______ (find) your science book yet?


1 have seen/ saw 2 has finished

3 has come 4 has gone

5 have worked/ moved 6 have made

7 have stayed 8 have finished

9 goes 10 have found

时态: 过去完成时

1 概念:以过去某个时间为标准,在此之前发生的动作或行为,或在过去 某个动作之前完成的行为,即“过去的过去”。

2时间状语:before, by the end of last year. etc.

3 基本结构:had done

4 否定形式:had not done

5.一般疑问句:had 放于句首。


As soon as we got to the station, the train had left.

By the end of last month, we had reviewed four books


1.He asked me ___ during the summer holidays.

A. where I had been B. where I had gone

C. where had I been D. where had I gone

2. What ____ Jane ____ by the time he was seven?

A. did, do B. has, done

C did, did. D. had, done

3. I _____ 900 English words by the time I was ten。

A. learned B. was learning

C. had learned D. learnt

4. She ______lived here for ______ years.

A. had, a few B. has, several

C. had, a lot of D. has, a great deal of

5. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I

_____ the dinner already.

A had cooked B. cooked

C. have cooked D. was cooked

6. She said she ______ the principle already

A .has seen B. saw

C. will see D. had seen

7. She said her family _____ themselves ______ the army

during the war.

A. has hidden, from B. had hidden, from

C. has hidden, with D. had hidden, with

8. By the time he was ten years old, he _____.

A. has completed university

B. has completed the university

B. had completed an university

D. had completed university

9. She had written a number of books _____the end of

last year.

A. for B. in C. by D. at

10.He___to play____before he was 11 years old.

A had learned, piano

B. had learned, the piano

C. has learned, the piano

D. learns ,piano.

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