
赛车英语怎么表达 看这场刺激的比赛进入后半段英文怎么说

赛车英语怎么表达 看这场刺激的比赛进入后半段英文怎么说

racing fans 赛车迷们

Welcome back racing fans! 赛车迷们,欢迎回来。

be in the last stretch of this very exciting race 看这场刺激的比赛进入后半段

with only four laps to go 还有四圈

We’re in the last stretch of this very exciting race, and Kimi Rikknen is leading the pack with only four laps to go! 我们来看这场刺激的比赛进入后半段,Kimi Rikknen 一直领先,还有四圈!

are heading to turn three 正转向第三圈时

pass sb. 超过某人

They are heading to turn three and Lewis Hamilton tries to pass Rikknen! 转向第三圈时,Lewis Hamilton尝试超过Rikknen!

be a close one 接近了

hits the wall 撞到墙上

It’s a close one and, oh no! Hamilton hits the wall! 接近了接近了。哦,不,Hamilton 撞到墙上了。

a yellow flag 一面黄色的旗帜

the pace car 备用车

is making its way onto the track 正在缓缓驶入轨道

We have a yellow flag and the pace car is making its way onto the track.我们看到一面黄色的旗帜,备用车正在缓缓驶入轨道。

cleanup crew 清场工作人员

tow the heavily damaged car 拖走那辆严重损毁的赛车

the green flag drops 绿色旗帜降落

The cleanup crew is towing the heavily damaged car and the green flag drops! 清场工作人员正在拖走那辆严重损毁的赛车。绿色旗帜降落,还剩两圈。

is in the lead 领先

Rikknen is still in the lead with only two laps to go! Rikknen依旧领先, ,还有两圈。

smoke 烟

Smoke is coming out of his car! 他的车开始冒烟了!

have engine trouble 发动机发生故障

He seems to be having engine trouble! 好像是发动机发生故障了!

takes the lead 领先

He makes his way into the pit, and Fernando Alonso takes the lead!这简直是灾难呀!Fernando Alonso领先了。

takes the checkered flag 挥舞胜利的旗帜

How unlucky for Rikknen, and this race is over ladies and gentlemen, Alonso takes the checkered flag! 太不幸运了Rikknen,这就是比赛。女士们先生们, Alonso挥舞着胜利的旗帜。

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