
令人震惊的英语怎么说 shock中文翻译是什么

令人震惊的英语怎么说 shock中文翻译是什么

shock : an unpleasant feeling as a result of sth bad happening

v. 使不悦或生气, 震惊

① v. The news of his death shocked us all.

② adj. 令人震惊的 The news is shocking.

③ adj. 感到震惊 We were all shocked at the news of his death.

④ n. 震惊 get a shock sb. get a shock 某人很吃惊

对比:shock 必指坏事, 令人不悦, 生气的

surprise 好事坏事都可以, 只要你没有料到的

I want to give you surprise.

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