
强度用英语怎么读 趣句汇总

强度用英语怎么读 趣句汇总


  • strength
  • intensity
  • intension


1. 某些材料可以制造成抗拉伸强度大的产品。Certain materials can be manufactured with a high tensile strength.


2. 他检查了缆绳的强度。He checked the strength of the cables.


3. 他们需要检查座椅与飞机舱面固定接头的强度。They had to check the strength of the seat attachments to the floor of the plane.


4. 该工作的强度很少给个人留下悲伤或忧虑的机会。The intensity of the work left little room for personal grief or anxiety.


5. 我所认识的一直保持那样工作强度的人都早衰了。Everyone I know who kept it up at that intensity is burned-out.


6. 当表面与射线垂直时,射线的强度最大。When a surface is perpendicular to the rays, their intensity is at its maximum.


7. 即使刺激的强度很低,你也要保持警惕。You can be alert, even though the intensity of the stimulus is quite low.


8. 房子的木制框架用长钢条加固,以增强强度。The house‘s wooden frame is reinforced with long steel rods to give it extra strength.


9. 分析表明,强度似乎有一个明确的节奏波动。The analysis reveals that intensity appears to fluctuate with a clear, well-defined rhythm.


10. 在地球表面,可以通过改变地球磁场强度来检测这些风暴。At the Earth‘s surface, these tempests can be detected by changes in the strength of the Earth‘s magnetic field.


11. 国家指导方针建议我们每周做140分钟中等强度的活动。National guidelines recommend we do 140 minutes of moderate-intensity activity a week.


12. Wadati在分析地震强度数据时也看到了类似的模式。Wadati saw a similar pattern when he analyzed data on the intensity of shaking.


13. 最近开发的一种新材料的抗拉强度比钻石还高,而且柔韧性更好。A new material developed recently has a tensile strength higher than diamond, yet it‘s much more flexible.


14. 城市周边和乡村环境之间的最大温差值叫做该地区的热岛效应强度。The maximum differences in temperature between neighboring urban and rural environments is called the heat-island intensity for that region.


15. 若长期暴露于当前环境的气味中,个体对气味强度的感知会大大减弱。With continued exposure to chronically present ambient odors, individuals‘ perception of odor intensity is greatly reduced.


16. 通用电气的目标是到2015年将其运作过程中的能源强度降低50%。General Electric aims to reduce the energy intensity of its operations by 50% by 2015.


17. 这独特的设计是基于在全规模和低强度的冲突中得到的广泛的战场经验。The unique design is based on extensive battlefield experience in full scale and low intensity conflicts.


18. 这表明,盲目性并不局限于最近的偏好选择,也可能发生在强度和频率上。This demonstrates that blindness is not limited to recent preference selections, but can also occur for intensity and frequency.


19. 因为玩耍性打斗包括速度和强度的变化,以及与自我设限有关的角色快速转换。Since play fighting includes variations in speed and intensity, and quick role reversals involved with self-handicapping.


20. 实际的强度水平取决于诸如大城市的物理布局、人口密度和生产活动之类的因素。The actual level of intensity depends on such factors as the physical layout, population density, and productive activities of a metropolis.


21. 毫不奇怪,社会学家发现,一个群体主要联系的强度对这个群体的功能是有影响的。Not surprisingly, sociologists find that the strength of a group‘s primary ties has implications for the group‘s functioning.


22. 探讨了森林地层在水土保持、养分供应、促进生物呼吸强度和土壤发育等方面的作用。The function of forest floor on water conservation, nutrient supply, promoting biological respiratory intensity and soil development are discussed.


23. 该理论假设,这些融水涌入北大西洋,降低了地表水的盐度和强度,足以防止它们下沉。The theory posited that this meltwater flooded into the North Atlantic, lowering the salinity and intensity of surface waters enough to prevent them from sinking.


24. 该理论于19世纪末首次提出,其依据是水的抗拉强度,而水的这种特性通常与流体无关。First proposed in the late 1800s, the theory relies on a property of water not commonly associated with fluids: its tensile strength.


25. 在公元前200年左右的中国,他们发现通过在粘土中添加矿物质可以改善陶瓷的外观和强度。In China at around 200 BC, they discovered that by adding minerals to the clay they could improve both the appearance and the strength of the ceramics.


26. 当史蒂文森跟随碳-14的痕迹来追溯过去时,他发现碳-4的水平随着太阳燃烧的强度而变化。When Stevenson followed the carbon-14 trail back in time, he found carbon-4 levels change with the intensity of solar burning.


27. 我靠父母给的那点钱只能勉强度日。I can just scrape by on what my parents give me.


28. 他不得不靠失业救济金勉强度日。He has to get by on unemployment compensation.


29. 我们先来做点强度小的练习。Let‘s start off with some gentle exercises.


30. 他需要高强度的理疗。He‘ll need intensive physiotherapy.
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