- appraise and elect
1. 他被评选为这次运动会表现最出色的运动员。He was singled out as the outstanding performer of the games.《牛津词典》
2. 我永远也不会忘记评委们将我的小说评选为最佳小说的那一刻。I will never forget the moment when the judges picked my novel out as the best novel.精选例句
3. 误解:评选委员会会宣布候选人名单。Myth: The awards committee announces a shortlist of candidates.news.iciba.com
4. 评选标准的制定考虑这些了吗?Was that considered or part of the criteria?article.yeeyan.org
5. 想想为什么你能从评选标准中脱颖而出。Think about how you can stand out according to the criteria.article.yeeyan.org
6. 芝加哥学区将风阁评选为“整改模范”。The Chicago school district chose Fenger as a “turnaround”.www.ecocn.org
7. 误解:为某一候选人辅选能动摇评选委员会的决定。Myth: A campaign for a particular candidate can sway the awards committee.news.iciba.com
8. 以下是应答者评选出的爱情名句排行榜。A list of quotes and their ranking by respondents follows.www.chinadaily.com.cn
9. 该年度评选结果已于星期三晚上公布出来了。The annual list was released Wednesday evening.www.putclub.com
10. 几个世纪以来,评选世界奇迹一直为人们所着迷。Choosing world wonders has been a continuing fascination over the centuries.edu.sina.com.cn
11. 来自47个国家的360部影片参加了本次评选。Some 360 films from 47 countries were submitted.www.chinadaily.com.cn
12. 中国长城学会的副秘书长张骥对评选结果表示欢迎。China Great Wall Society‘s Deputy Secretary Zhang Ji welcomed the results.www.neworiental.org
13. 看看美国电影学会评选出的100部最伟大的电影。Take a look at the American Film Institute (AFI) list of the 100 Greatest Films. Learn from the best.article.yeeyan.org
14. 《福布斯》杂志评选的世界上十大最有“权势”的人The top 10 most powerful people, according to the magazinewww.putclub.com
15. 但此次评选活动的幕后策划者以及他们的目的尚不清楚。But it is unclear who is behind the campaign and what their motives are.gb.cri.cn
16. 但是在校园生活周边的大学酒吧和派对却不是评选标准。But absent from the credentials were college bars and parties that exist on the fringe of campus life.article.yeeyan.org
17. 他们要求从创意,可靠度,吸引力和独一无二性上评选。They were asked to bear in mind factors such as originality, authenticity, desirability and uniqueness.article.yeeyan.org
18. 他曾被评选为全球最有魅力男性,并因此饱受媒体追捧。He has been described as one of the world‘s most attractive men, a label for which he has received substantial media attention.article.yeeyan.org
19. 但在今天,该委员会却遭到了评选委员会内外的猛烈批评。But today the Academy is coming under heavy criticism both from the without and from within.bbs.chinacitywater.org
20. 连续5年将McKinsey评选为世界最佳的咨询公司。Has ranked McKinsey as the world‘s number one consulting firm for 5 years in a row.article.yeeyan.org
21. 此次展览将从收到的18,000作品中评选并展示超过200个作品。The exhibition features more than 200 works selected from the 18, 000 sent to the contest.article.yeeyan.org
22. 无论《滚石》每年评选什么人上榜,都一定会引来人们的争议。No matter who Rolling Stone puts on their list, it is sure to get people talking year after year.article.yeeyan.org
23. 2007年,我们邀请非洲听众投票评选“非洲年度最佳球员”。In 2007 we invited our African listeners to vote for the "Africa footballer of the year".www.putclub.com
24. 参与评选的其它犬种包括迷你雪纳瑞、卷毛狮子犬和中国冠毛犬。Other dogs in the running were the miniature schnauzer, bichon frise, and Chinese crested.www.ebigear.com
25. 所以考虑到这些细小但微妙的因素,我很难信服评选委员会的决定。So I‘m trying very hard to credit the committee with thinking this nuanced.article.yeeyan.org
26. 该榜的评选标准包括经济影响力、媒体曝光度以及职业成就等因素。The list is based on factors such as economic impact, media reach and career accomplishments.www.hjenglish.com
27. 在罗浮敦群岛,我们到访的下一个港口曾被评选为挪威最美丽的地方。Our next port of call in the Lofotens was once voted the most scenic place in Norway.article.yeeyan.org
28. 给其他用户展示新闻时,人们之前做出的评选也会被算法参考和采纳。The choices people make will then be taken into account when presenting stories to other Veritocracy users.article.yeeyan.org
29. 给其他用户展示新闻时,人们之前做出的评选也会被算法参考和采纳。The choices people make will then be taken into account when presenting stories to other Veritocracy users.