
现在时英语句子推荐 25个英语简单现在时例句

现在时英语句子推荐 25个英语简单现在时例句

25 Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences


  1. She gets up early in the morning.
  2. Maria goes to the library every week.
  3. The teacher teaches in the classroom.
  4. Do you work hard on exams?
  5. He goes to school regularly.
  6. Martin always wears nice clothes.
  7. Do you speak well English?
  8. My mom goes to the market every day.
  9. The flight arrives at 2 o’clock.
  10. Squirrels store nuts for the winter.
  11. Rivers flowtowards the ocean.
  12. James brushesher teeth regularly.
  13. He lovesto play football every Sunday.
  14. Merry and I go to the mall every Saturday
  15. My Father worksin America.
  16. Do other friends also cometo you?
  17. My mom cooksdelicious food.
  18. She usually eats healthy food.
  19. We never go to the cinema.
  20. She often goes to school by bus.
  21. Paul doesn’t play the guitar very well.
  22. Does he often ride a bicycle?
  23. He goesto the gym every day.
  24. When do you go to college?
  25. Merry goes to the mall every Saturday.
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