People don't often look back on the early 1900's for advice, but what if we could actually learn something from the Lost Generation?
The New York Public Library has digitized 100 "how to do it" cards found in cigarette boxes over 100 years ago, and the tips they give are so practical that millennials reading this might want to take notes.
How to treat Sprains
Elevate the injured joint and wrap in cloths wrung out in cold water.
The picture shows how to keep the cloths constantly wet without having to change them.
A jug of water placed higher than injured limb, and a strip of linen with one end in the jug and the other end resting upon the wrapping of sprained joint, is all that is necessary.
The water will pass from jug to compress by way of linen strip.
Give a rubbing with oil or liniment as spain gets better.