


There's Just No Way Taylor Swift Is in This Giant Suitcase...Right?


Update, 4:30PM: Splash has changed the caption on this suite of photos. It now reads: "Taylor Swift's security guards are seen moving a huge case into the trunk of an awaiting SUV."


Original post: Are you ready for today's instalment of Please Let It Be True News? You couldn't possibly be. It's really something. But here it is anyway: Irish radio station Spin 1038 noticed that photo service Splash has labeled several photos with intriguing captions that claim Taylor Swift is inside this giant black suitcase:

报道原文:准备好收看今天的“这是真的吗?”你一定准备好了。爱尔兰广播之声 Spin 1038注意到图片网站Splash登出了几张照片。并在下面附上了一系列有意思的文字,宣称泰勒斯威夫特藏在了图中大黑箱子里。

'Hello, it's me / Not Adele / It's Taylor Swift in this box'


Splash has titled the suite of photographs: "Is Taylor Swift being transported in a huge suitcase from her Tribeca apartment??" That double question mark doesn't really reflect my emotional state about this whole situation—I'd say I'm more at the 40,000-question mark level.


But no matter how much I want it to be true, this tale is just totally ridiculous. The caption has to be some kind of mistake, right? Even though celebrities do sometimes have to resort to unusual measures so they can get around without being detected by paparazzi ,this particular story has a flavor of the unreal.


Even though the intrepid author of this caption does not seem to have heard of spell check or a dictionary, I must applaud them. This rumor is utterly, captivatingly bonkers, yet it does recall one very strange and hilarious celebrity confession: Remember when Adele said she was taken to the stage in some kind of big suitcase thing? Everyone knows the best lies are a little related to the truth.


Obviously, there's no way for the regular person to visually verify that it really is Swift in there. Sure, maybe there's a person inside, but for all we know, according to the caption , it could just be a tailor whose name is Swift, who prefers boxes to the subway (don't we all). Or this suitcase could be empty. There might be 50 meatball sandwiches in it. We just don't know.


Anyway, even as a workplace drama, this group of photographs is really something. Just look how hard these guys are working.


'Good job, boys.'


This guy is all of us:




And so is this guy:


Me at work.


At least we'll always have them.




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