


There are plenty of bakers who can do masterful things with cakes, but a creative Canadian dessert enthusiast does her incredible edible art on pies.  


Jessica Clark-Bojin from Vancouver is the genius behind Pies are Awesome, and goes by @thepieous on Instagram.

来自温哥华的杰斯卡·克拉克·伯金(Jessica Clark-Bojin)在做派方面很有天分,她的Instagram账号是@thepieous。

Recently, she's turned out a series of pies with celebrity faces made out of crust called Celebrity Pietraits, which so far has included edible renderings of Oprah, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, and Betty White.

最近,克拉克做出了带有明星肖像的派,他们的脸是派上的那层硬壳,克拉克叫这些派为“名人派点(Celebrity Pietraits)”,其中包括能吃的奥普拉、神奇女侠盖尔加朵和贝蒂·怀特(Betty White)。

Previously, she'd also made pies with the faces of Eleven from Stranger Things, Lando Calrissian from Star Wars, Bruce Willis, and Biggie Smalls.

此前克拉克还做过《怪奇物语》(Stranger Things)演员Eleven的肖像,《星球大战》中的 蓝多·卡瑞辛(Lando Calrissian),布鲁斯·威利斯(Bruce Willis)和克里斯托弗·华莱士(Christopher Wallace)。

She does more than celebrities, though. She has a soft spot for nerd culture, and has shared images of a dozen Star Wars-inspired designs. She's paid homage to Disney characters, and during the Christmas season did several holiday-themed desserts. 


And she does all this without a formal culinary training.


'I'm actually a filmmaker and my formal degree was in graphic design,' she told Food & Wine. 'Baking was just this random thing that came along. A fluke.' 

克拉克告诉媒体《Food & Wine》“我的本职是电影人,专业是图像设计,烘培是偶然开始做的。”

In fact, she told CTV News Canada, there was a time that she 'couldn't crack an egg. I was shooed out at family gatherings. I had no experience in a kitchen whatsoever.'

克拉克告诉加拿大CTV News,以前她连鸡蛋都不会打,“家庭聚餐的时候我总是被鄙视,以前从来没在厨房做过事儿。”

But then in 2016 she got baking, and quickly began to turn the hobby into an art form.


Now, she's using her popularity to encourage others to follow suit.


'I suppose it's pie art in the sense that it's using pie as an artistic medium, but really what I want to do is encourage other people to be creative and think outside the box with how they approach any of the food that they love,' she said.



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