Shirley: Be quick. Put our bags in the deposit box.
Benjamin: We got a problem. The deposit boxes are all full. We should have come earlier.
Shirley: I told you to hurry up a thousand times. You just put a deaf ear to it.
Benjamin: Did you ? I didn't hear you. It was too noisy.
Shirley: I surely did! Ask the customer service counter if we can deposit our stuff there.
(Benjamin goes and returns)
Benjamin: They say we can't. They don't look after customers' stuff.
Shirley: It's all your fault! Now we can't get in shopping.
Benjamin: OK, it's my fault. I'll stay here and look after our stuff. You can get in, shopping with Daniel and May.
Shirley: That sounds like a good idea!
Benjamin: Hey, don't forget to buy a suit for me.
Shirley: What color do you want?
Benjamin: Black, of course.
Benjamin: Shirley loves going to the supermarket. But for me it's a big pain. Almost every time we're down there, there are no free lockers for our stuff. Then I would be the one that stays outside looking after our stuff. And that is not so fun especial when it keeps me waiting for long at times.
deposit vt. 存放
loud adj. 大声的
thousand num. 千
customer n. 顾客
stuff n. 东西