除了advance,“晋级”还可以说成put ... in the second round of the World Cup。什么才有可能将一只球队put in the second round of the World Cup?当然是战绩了。所以这个句型前面的主语通常是“对……的胜利”。 顺便提一下,“几比几战胜某只队伍”就可以说成 (number) - (number) victory against ...这个小横杠 - 要读成 to。
3. The first thing German coach Juergen Klinsmann did when his team qualified for the second round of the World Cup was give his players a day off. 德国教练果然是体恤球员。一听到晋级十六强的消息,立刻就给队员放了一天假。 晋级十六强后,就有资格参加世界杯决赛圈第二轮的比赛了。所以,“晋级”除了advance to, put in 这两个表达,还可以说成是 qualify for。 4. A 1-0 win Thursday night against Paraguay put the Swedes in position to move into the second round.
这个“有希望晋级”就可以说成in the position to move into the second round。不过,到底能不能晋级,就看瑞典的实力和运气了。