





[Like most people], I’ve [long] understood that I will be judged [by my occupation 1], that my profession is a gauge 2(people use to see how smart or talented I am.) [Recently], [however], was disappointed to see that it [also] decides how I’m treated [as a person].  


注:1. occupation n. ①占领,占据,占用。例:

The armies finally withdrew after four-year’s occupation of this castle.



All married women should have some occupation outside the home.


And frankly, not everyone wants to do the kind of occupation that these certificates provide.


[选自:MSN: Boomers face stark choices in bleak economy]

2. gauge n. 标准尺寸,规格,量规,量表。例:

The fuel gauge in the car was broken.


Weekly applications for unemployment benefits are considered a gauge of the pace of layoffs.


[选自:MSN: Weekly jobless claims tally down slightly]

[Last year] I left a professional position [as a small-town reporter] and took a job (waiting tables). [As someone paid to serve food to people], I had customers (I suspect 1 they’d [never] say or do to their most casual 2 acquaintances 3.) [One night] a man (talking on his cell phone) waved me away, [then] beckoned 4me [a minute later], [complaining he was ready to order and asking where I’d been].


注:1. suspect vt. 疑心,怀疑,猜想。例:

In the end, I suspect the ultimate beneficiaries would be the same people who always win.


[选自:BOINGBOING: 10 - October - 2006]

The police suspect Gary of the murder.


n. 嫌疑犯,可疑分子。例:

The suspects are armed and dangerous.



2. casual adj. ①偶然的,碰巧的。例:

a casual meeting 邂逅;


People didn't yet understand or believe that the virus couldn't be spread by casual contact.


[选自:WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs Ryan White HIV/AIDS Act]

casual worker 临时工   

【参】 causal adj. 原因的,因果关系的

3. acquaintance n. 相识; 熟人, 相识的人; 了解。例:

The relationship between the two individuals concerned might be a casual acquaintance, a brother-sister type of friendship, an acquaintance with romantic overtones, or a passionate involvement.


The virus arrives in a person’s e-mail box disguised as a reply from an acquaintance.


[选自:CNN: Largest U.S. electricity producer survives worm]

4. beckon v. 向...示意; 吸引; 召唤; 引诱; 示意; 吸引; 召唤; 引诱。例:

They beckon for me to join their photo opportunity and I smile that smile you   have as a child when first you see snow.


The romance of the sea beckoned the young sailors.



I had waited tables [during summers] [in college] and was treated [like a peon 1] [by plenty of people]. But [at 19 years old], I believed I deserved inferior 2treatment [from professional adults]. [Besides], people responded to me [differently] [after I told them I was in college.] Customers would joke that [one day] I’d be sitting [at their table], [waiting to be served].


注:1. peon n. 劳工; 日工; 散工。例:

He is a Spanish-American farm laborer or unskilled worker


2. inferior adj.下等的,下级的,差的,次的; (be) inferior to 比…差。例:

Mercifully the public has the good sense not to buy the inferior articles more than once.


Compared to a wired pair of headphones of the same price they are inferior for music sound quality.


[选自:ENGADGET: Ask Engadget: Best solution for Bluetooth stereo audio?]

n. 下级,晚辈。例:

The foreman was very condescending to all of his inferiors.


[Once I graduated] I took a job [at a community 1 newspaper]. [From my first day], I heard a respectful tone [from everyone] (who called me.) I assumed 2 this was the way (the professional world worked [cordially 3].)  


注:1. community n. 社区, 共同社会; 社会, 公众; 共同体; 共有。例:

The community in China can be divided into traditional community working unit and nontraditional community sub district office region.   


Some in the medical community here are warning that the procedure would be extremely dangerous.


[选自:BBC: Women may be given new hope of having a baby]

2. assume v. 以为; 认为; 假定为; 承担。例:

The key is that you must never assume it will never happen to you.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | UK | Preparing for Britain's big freeze]

【辩】assume,suppose;assume强调武断地认定某一事物为真实,而该事物尚未被证实或存在意见分歧:assume that prices will rise(认为价格要上涨);suppose指根据一些证据所得出的准确预测。

3. cordially adv. 热诚地, 友善地, 诚挚地。例:

As his studies, at a previous period of his life, had made him extensively acquainted with the medical science of the day, it was as a physician that he presented himself and as such was cordially received.  


Russian President Vladimir Putin joked cordially with President George W. Bush.


[选自:NPR: Eyes On Whether APEC Leaders Will Don Aloha Shirts]

I [soon] found out [differently]. I sat several feet [away from an advertising sales representative 1 ] [with a similar name]. Our calls would [often] get mixed up and someone asking for Kristen would be transferred 2 to Christie. The mistake was [immediately] evident. [Perhaps] it was because money was involved 3, but people used a tone [with Kristen] (that they [never] used [with me].)


注:1. representative n. 代表,代理人;短语:sales representative 销售代表。例:

I wrote a letter to my representative introducing our new products.


However, you also have a right to speak with a company representative in English.


[选自:MSN: Where's that promised in-room Internet connection?]


This love poem is representative of the author’s best works.


2. transfer n. 迁移, 传递, 移动;v. 转移, 调任, 调转; 转移, 换车。例:

He has succeeded in getting ministers to resign and forced the government to transfer corrupt officials.  


[选自:BBC: Anna Hazare: India's pioneering social activist]


Jack intends to transfer the property to his daughter.


Please arrange for the transfer of medical records to your new doctor.


3. involve v. 包括, 潜心于, 使陷于。例:

These involve managing the cost of development, cost of operations, productivity, and product efficacy in the market.


Recently released patent filings reveal new ways to control devices that do not involve physical contact.


[选自:BBC: Apple and Microsoft file patents for touchless controls]

My job title made people . So it was a shock [to return to the restaurant industry].


注:1. courtesy n. 礼貌; 谦恭有礼的言辞; 殷勤。例:

After a few words of courtesy, they got down to business.



But they are just expecting some common sense and some courtesy in how people interact.


[选自:WHITEHOUSE: Discussing the Economy in Richmond]

It’s no secret that there’s [a lot] [to put up with] [when waiting tables], and [fortunately], much of it can be [easily] forgotten [when you pocket the tips.] The service industry, [by definition 1], exists to cater 2 to others’ needs. [Still], it seemed that many of my customers didn’t get the difference (between server and servant 3).


注:1. definition n. 定义, 清晰度, 精确度。例:

Here is the definition, which must be placed within a class definition for it to be compiled.


There are loose definitions that tend to change due to there not being a standard definition.


[选自:ENGADGET: Apple to face antitrust inquiry over iPhone coding restrictions?]

2.cater v. 备办食物; 投合; 满足; 为...提供饮食, 承办的酒席。例:

Our literature and art ought to cater to popular taste.


"In addition, we have to cater for their lodging, local transportation and feeding," he said.


[选自:BBC: Nigeria]

3. servant n. 仆人, 雇工, 佣人; 事务员; 公务员。例:

If you’re a minister, you are a civil servant, you are an employee of the government.


[选自:CNN: Why Ghonim's passion reignited revolt]

I’m [now] applying 1 to graduate school, (which means [someday] I’ll return to a profession) (where people need to be nice [to me] [in order to get what they want].) I think I’ll take them [to dinner] [first], and see how they treat someone (whose only job is to serve them.)


1. apply vt.应用;涂;使专心从事vi.申请;有关联。例:

The new regulations also apply to day care centers, hotels, and other places that provide cribs.


[选自:CNN: Crib safety standards expanded]

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