



1) Shape up or ship out!
NOTE1: 特别注意shape up的连读,还有ship out的连读;
NOTE2: It means you must work hard, or else you'll be left behind.

2) Don't jump the gun.
NOTE1: 注意Don't 里面字母o的发音;
NOTE2: It means that you shouldn't do it hastily!


In middle school, students usually have a lot of experiments to do. They like them very much because they can enjoy the miraculous(奇迹般的) results from their experiments. Andy also likes doing experiments very much. But to tell the truth, there are some students who are dying to begin before the teacher gives some instructions. At this time, the teacher will speak up like this: Don't jump the gun, for you know this experiment is dangerous and you have to obey the rules. If you don't behave yourself, you will be asked out. That is to say, shape up or ship out!

相信各位当中也有很多人和Andy一样喜欢上实验课,可是如果在实验课上,不遵守实验规则,违反操作要求,可能得不到满意的结果,而且有些实验还会有一定的危险性。所以这个时候老师总要提醒大家:Don't jump the gun! 不要草率的就开始做实验。如果不听话,那么只有把你请出去了!Shape up or ship out.所以学习科学来不得半点马虎!

1) Shape up or ship out! 不进则退!/要么好好干,要么走人!
2) Don't jump the gun. 不要草率行事!


Here are three situations:

S1. Do you think it is good to set out doing something immediately when the idea comes to your mind? Maybe you would say yes or maybe no. Here Andy wants to give you a suggestion that you have to think about it carefully before you take any actions. Can you summarize(概括) the suggestion Andy has given here?

S2. Between these two sentences, which has the similiar meaning as the following? You should not draw a conclusion hastily.

S3. At the beginning Andy's study was good, but now he is not a top student again because he usually plays truant. So what do you think the teacher will say to Andy?

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