


 「发音模仿秀」1) He's a good mixer.
2) It's a trifle.


Andy originally was a shy boy. He dared not to talk to strangers.One day, his father came to him and said,"Andy, you have to learn to be independent! You know, we cannot do all the things for you!" "But how can I be independent? I don't have a lot of friends. When I am in difficulty, I need my friends to help me." "I know you don't have a lot of friends, but you have to try to make some and you need to learn how to be a good mixer", his father said. Do you know? Finally Andy has really become a good mixer. He has a lot of friends and he is good at making friends and being on good terms with them. So when others ask for his help, he would be glad to give them a hand, saying "no problem, i can help you and it is just a trifle!"

在上面这个对话里面Andy的父亲告诉他要努力成为一个good mixer,结果证明Andy成功了,He is a good mixer now. 他已经是一个擅长交际的人了。每次朋友请求帮忙的时候他都很热情,说上一句:no problem and it is just a trifle. 这里我们用了trifle这个词,本意是琐事,小事情。那么言外之意就是说没问题,这都是是举手之劳。


Here we have three situations based on the sentences we have learned today. Please tell me which one of the two sentences should be used in each situation. Tell me as quickly as possible.

Situation NO.1

You are a green hand in your company. One day your boss asks you to type an article for him. It is a piece of cake for you, so how will you answer your boss?

Situation NO.2

Sally is a good student but she doesn't have a lot of friends, so she makes up her mind to change this situation. So what kind of person do you think she will become finally?

Situation NO.3

This semester is going to end. At this time, I know some of the students will be short of money. Do you think you can help them? And how would you answer them if they ask "Can you lend me some money"?


Don't stop never give up
Hold your head high and reach the top
Let the world see what you have got
Bring it all back to you!

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