
Kick oneself 追悔莫及(口语)

Kick oneself 追悔莫及(口语)


L: Michael, 你没有买Jerry的车啊?我以为价钱很公道啊!怎么回事啊?

M: Please don't mention that! Jerry sold the car to someone else yesterday. I'm still kicking myself for not buying it when I had the chance.

L: Kicking yourself, kick不就是k-i-c-k,踢球的踢吗?你为什么要踢你自己呢?

M: No, no Li Hua. "To kick oneself" means to feel regret for missing an opportunity, or making a mistake that could have been avoided.

L: 噢,to kick oneself不是真的踢自己,意思是:自己失去了一个好机会而埋怨自己太笨。Michael, 那到底是怎么回事啊?

M: Well, I told Jerry that I wanted to check out some other cars before I made a decision. Someone else bought the car before I had a chance to decide. I'm still kicking myself for waiting too long.   更多信息请访问:http://www.idenglish.cn/

L: 原来你是想等看看别的车以后再做决定,结果Jerry就把车卖给别人了。哎哟,Michael, 你不用埋怨自己啦。不管做什么交易,作决定前仔细考虑清楚总是好的。

M: Well, I guess you're right. When I bought the car I have now, I wasn't careful enough. Later, I found out the car was in very poor condition, and I have been kicking myself ever since.

L: 你看,我说得没错。你买现在这辆车的时候不小心,所以现在老要出问题。哎,Michael, 你呀,买得不好也怨自己,没有买到也埋怨自己。你累不累呀!

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