1. Let’s get to the heart of the matter. 我们进入主题吧。
2. I had to be cruel to be kind. 为了你好,我必须那么做。
3. That really brought home to me the gravity. 我明白了事情的严重性。
4. You’re so unyielding. 你够倔啊。
5. We’re vanquished. 我们被击败了。
6. There’s a growing disenchantment. 怀疑与日俱增。
7. Ask him. He knows his stuff. 问他。他业务熟。
8. Give her CPR! 快做人工呼吸!
9. This is the power of the old school tie. 这就是同学会的威力。
10. He knows nothing but brute force. 他只会逞匹夫之勇。