1. You better not break ranks. 你最好不要拆大家的台。
2. I was very dejected. 我沮丧极了。
3. I only received the results at the eleventh hour. 在最后关头我才收到了成绩。
4. You laid it on with a trowel. 你太会拍马屁了吧。
5. There’s safety in numbers. 人多安全。
6. She started to launch a charm offensive. 她开始施展魅力攻势。
7. Don’t let success go to your head. 不要让胜利冲昏了头脑。
8. Stop shedding crocodile tears. 别假惺惺的。
9. That’s a special pleading. 那是强词夺理。
10. Don’t be such an ostrich. 不要逃避现实。