


She raised eyebrows with the £56,000 Ralph and Russo couture gown worn on her engagement shoot but compared to Meghan Markle's wedding dress it was a snip. The dress that she will marry Prince Harry in is said to have cost an eye-watering £400,000 with the couple's wedding budget reported to have doubled.

她惊叹于在订婚仪式上穿的价值56,000英镑的Ralph&Russo高级定制礼服,但与Meghan Markle的婚纱相比,这真是小巫见大巫。 据称,她将与哈里王子结婚的这件衣服费用高达40万英镑,这对夫妇的婚礼预算翻了一番。

A source close to Meghan told Look magazine that a total of £400k has been spent on beauty and fashion for her big day with the bulk of it spent on the dress. Speaking to the magazine the insider said: 'Meghan is like any other bride preparing for her dream day.'The wedding dress has been the biggest expense, and the budget has now doubled from what it originally was.'

Meghan身边的人士给《Look》杂志爆料,总计40万英镑用于礼服和时尚方面,随之她的大部分支出花在了裙子上。 内部人士还说:“梅根像其他新娘一样准备着她的梦想中的日子。婚纱是最大的花费,现在预算已经翻了一番。”

As well as the reportedly sky high wedding cost, Meghan is reported to have spent over £100,000 on post-wedding celebrations. The source added: 'Then there's the honeymoon, which is £120,000 - but that is her gift to Harry.' MailOnline has contacted Kensington Palace for a comment.

据报道,梅甘婚礼的成本高得惊人,婚礼后的庆典花费超过10万英镑。 消息人士补充道:“度蜜月的12万英镑是梅根给哈利的礼物。” MailOnline已联系肯辛顿宫确认消息。

Speculation has been growing as to which designer Meghan will choose when it comes to her wedding dress. Last month bookies suspended bets that Harry's fiance will follow in the Duchess of Cambridge's footsteps and opt for an Alexander McQueen gown. Bookmakers say that a 'flurry of activity' saw odds for McQueen tumble from 16/1, leading to speculation that the wedding dress designer may have been leaked.

对于梅根的结婚礼服,她会选择哪个设计师的设计,这种猜测一直在增长。 上个月,博彩公司押注哈利未婚夫人将跟随剑桥公爵夫人的脚步,并选择一件Alexander McQueen礼服。 博彩公司表示,“一系列的活动”让McQueen成为梅根婚礼礼服的可能性从16/1开始跌落,由此看,婚纱设计师可能已经泄露。




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