1. I immediately felt small. 我立刻感到自己的渺小。
2. You’d fall between two stools. 你会两头落空的。
3. She is bedridden. 她只能卧床。
4. I’ll thrash you. 我抽你。
5. I’m on the shelf. 我是嫁不出去喽。
6. You cannot unscramble scrambled eggs. 木已成舟。
7. The revolt was quashed. 起义被镇压了。
8. You’ll meet your Waterloo. 你会遭遇滑铁卢。
9. I enjoy the placid pace of village life. 我喜欢宁静的乡村生活。
10. At least you can avoid the drudgery of housework. 你至少不用干家务。