1. She takes offense very easily. 她很容易动怒。
2. It’s known in the trade as puff. 行话叫做忽悠。
3. You should always shop around. 一定要货比三家。
4. How did you manage to land such a plum job? 你是怎么得到这份肥差的?
5. The problem is aggravated. 情况恶化了。
6. I can’t call to mind. 我想不起来了。
7. My dandruff falls all the time. 我头皮屑太多了。
8. He’s a debonair young man. 他风度翩翩。
9. The peer pressure is tremendous. 周围人的影响太大了。
10. What’s the hold-up? 磨蹭什么呢?