
蓝绿异色瞳 斗鸡眼:这只雪白土耳其喵火了

蓝绿异色瞳 斗鸡眼:这只雪白土耳其喵火了

Meet Aloş, the 2-year-old Van cat from Turkey whose slightly crossed blue and green eyes have made him the newest Internet sensation.


“His eyes are the most beautiful in the world to me,” his owner Burcu Kaynak told Bored Panda. The different coloration of the kitty’s eyes is a result of heterochromia, a condition caused by the relative excess or lack of melanin. “It does not affect his vision at all,” Kaynak added. “People are very interested in him, whether it’s on social media or when walking outdoors.” Aloş already has 10k followers on Instagram and counting!

“对于我来说,他的眼睛是世界上最美的。”他的主人Burcu Kaynak告诉我们。“猫咪眼睛之所以呈现不同的颜色是因为异色症的原因,是黑色素过剩或者缺乏导致的一种情况。这一点也没影响他的视力。不管是在社交媒体还是外出散步的时候,人们都对他很感兴趣。”在Instagram和Counting上他已经有一万多粉丝了。

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