
复古老照片:百年前的各国美女 你爱哪款?

复古老照片:百年前的各国美女 你爱哪款?

Globalization hasn't only changed the way we do business: it's had an impact on what we consider to be beautiful, too. Just as many lament the McDonalds and Starbucks on every corner, where once there might have been a local restaurant, so too has what people wear become homogenized in our Global Village. Love Levi's? Buy them practically anywhere. Want a pair of New Balance shoes in Eastern Europe? There's a specialty shop for that.

全球化并非只改变了我们的商业行为:它还影响了我们的审美观点。就像很多人慨叹世界每个角落都充斥着麦当劳和星巴克,而那些地方本来可能曾经有一个本地小餐馆。人们的穿衣方式也一样,在我们的地球村里越来越趋同。你喜欢李维斯(Levi's)?随便去哪里买就行了。想在东欧买一双新百伦(New Balance)的鞋?那里就有你想找的专卖店。

Before mass communication, and television in particular, there used to be quite a difference in what we thought was attractive, as this list of postcards from 1900-1910, collected by user PostMan on flickr, shows. Which photo is the most surprising?


#1 Luzon Woman From The Philippines

#1 菲律宾吕宋女子

#2 Japan Female-warrior

#2 日本女战士

#3 Gypsy Girl With Mandolin

#3 弹奏曼陀林的吉普赛女孩

#4 Anna May Wong Was The First Chinese American Movie Star, And The First Asian American Actress To Gain International Recognition

#4 黄柳霜是第一位美籍华人电影明星,也是第一位获得世界认可的亚裔美国女演员

#5 Lily Elsie, English Actress And Singer

#5 英国女演员、歌唱家莉莉·艾尔丝

#6 Unknown Lady With Book

#6 拿书的无名女士

#7 Berberian Girl

#7 柏培拉女孩

#8 Rita Martin

#8 丽塔·马丁

#9 Anna Pavlovna Was A Russian Prima Ballerina

#9 安娜·帕夫洛夫娜是最好的俄罗斯芭蕾舞演员

#10 Agnes Ayres Was An American Actress Who Rose To Fame During The Silent Film Era

#10 阿尼亚斯·艾瑞丝是默片时代有名的美国女演员

#11 Queen Mary Of Romania

#11 罗马尼亚玛丽王后

#12 Unknown Young Lady In Traditional Dress

#12 身着传统服饰的无名年轻女士

#13 Gabrielle Ray Was An English Stage Actress, Dancer And Singer

#13 加布丽尔·瑞是一位英国舞台演员、舞蹈演员和歌唱家

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