


1. Let's face it: You consider your cat to be your baby.

1. 面对现实吧:你就是把猫当儿子养的。

2. A baby you really, really hate sometimes.

2. 有时候你会恨死这个儿子。

3. Because even though they can look super cute and innocent…

3. 因为虽然它们看起来萌萌的,一脸人畜无害的样子……

4. …you're pretty sure they mock you when you're not looking.

4. ……但你非常清楚它们会在你背后嘲笑你。

5. You love when they let you dress them up…

5. 你喜欢它们乖乖地让你给它们穿衣服……

6. …but they're probably literally plotting your death.

6. ……但是它们可能真的在想怎么把你弄死。

7. You feel lucky and honoured that your cat has accepted you…

7. 你的猫接受了你,你觉得这是你的荣幸……

8. …until they fuck up your stuff and you ask yourself why you even got a cat in the first place.

8. ……直到它们弄坏你的东西,你问自己一开始干嘛要养猫。

9. Then you remember the important bonding moments you and your cat have had…

9. 然后你想起你们之间有爱的时刻……

10. …but you also remember all the times your cat got in the way of your good times.

10. ……但是你还想起它不让你好好放松的时候。

11. You're pretty sure a cat head peeking out from underneath blankets is the sweetest thing in the world…

11. 你觉得猫在毯子底下探出头偷瞄你是天底下最萌的了……

12. …but you wonder if your cat has any positive feelings toward you at all.

12. ……但是你又怀疑它对你到底有没有好感。

13. Sometimes, you look at your cat's face and are sure they could never do anything bad…

13. 有时候你看着你家猫的脸,觉得它肯定不会干坏事……

14. …and they usually prove you wrong soon after.

14. ……然后它通常下一秒就打你脸。

15. Still, there's nothing better than the bond you share with your cat.

15. 不过没有什么能比得上你和你家猫之间的感情。

16. So, even when they fuck up all your shit (and they will, sooner or later)…you just can't help but love that little asshole anyway.

16. 所以呢,就算它闹翻天(迟早会的)……你还是会对这个小坏蛋宠爱得无法自拔。

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