导读:最近,英国首相特蕾莎·梅“建立更多文法学校”的教育改革提案引起轩然大波。梅姨表示,不论出身或背景,每个孩子都将有接受良好教育的权利。她希望英国成为世界上最伟大的精英统治国家。那么文法学校究竟意味着什么呢?通俗点讲,文法学校其性质类似中国“重点中学”,实行“选拔式”入学体系,即需参加11 考试,但文法学校的学生毕业后大多都会考上大学。然而研究指出,梅姨的文法学校只适合英国6个郡。
Just six counties across England are suitable for Theresa May’s controversial new wave of grammar schools, a new report warns.
A study by the Education Policy Institute found only a handful of England’s 152 local authority areas would be appropriate for new grammars, based on the Government’s own criteria.
Just six fit the bill - Solihull, Essex, North Yorkshire, Dorset, Northamptonshire and North Somerset.
The report concluded that it would be hard for the Government to find suitable areas for new grammar schools, and added: “Expanding existing grammar schools is likely in a majority of such areas to reduce the average attainment of disadvantaged pupils and is therefore unlikely to improve social mobility.”
The think tank suggested: “A more promising approach in the most disadvantaged areas may be to focus on increasing the quality of existing non-selective school places.”
A spokesman for the Department for Education said: “This report is highly speculative.”
“Independent organisations have recognised the transformative impact grammar schools can have on the lives of disadvantaged young people.”
Russell Hobby, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) said: “The evidence does not support the expansion of grammar schools; they do not contribute to social mobility and will distract attention from the things that really matter.
“Instead of this divisive and risky reform, we need a firm focus on the most pressing issues within education.”