



1. If you don’t know a word, you must _______ the word in a dictionary.
A. look up     B. look down      C. look over      D. look out

2. It’s time for class. We’d better _______. 
A. stop to talk      B. to stop to talk      C. stop talking      D. to stop talking 

3. There was a strange sound outside.
Mary went out and _____ around, but she _____ nothing.
A. looked; saw      B. saw; saw       C. watched; looked      D. looked; find 4. The woman _______ the child quickly and took him to hospital.
A. put on      B. dressed      C. had on      D. was wearing 5. –Oh, you painted the walls yourself? --Yes. It was not hard. The whole work didn’t _______ much.
A. want       B. cost       C. spend      D. pay  6. --_______ all your things, Tom! I hate them here and there.  
–OK, Mum. A. Put up      B. Put on       C. Put down      D. Put away  7. Yuki loves wearing strange hats because she wants people to _______ her.
A. believe       B. control        C. notice       D. visit 8. _______! It’s the music of Mozart. Be quiet. A. Hear       B. Sound       C. Sing      D. Listen 9. –The room is so dirty. _______ we clean it?-- Of course.
A. Will       B. Would       C. Do       D. Shall 10. We must do something to stop people from _______.A. to throw litter about      B. to throw litter into
C. throwing litter about      D. throwing litter into  【答案解析】 1—5 ACABB  6—10 DCDDC
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