



1. The play began, but people went on ___________.    
A. talk and laugh         B. to talk and laugh     C. talking and laughing    D. talked and laughed

2. Does your mother like you ___________ a doctor?     
A. being   B. to be    C. are   D. become 

3. An old man saw it ___________ when he was walking past.    
A. happen   B. happening    C. happened   D. to happen 4. I’m sorry ___________ you.     A. trouble with   B. trouble    C. to trouble    D. trouble about 5. Please let the students ___________ down. A. sitting    B. sat    C. sit    D. to sit  6. The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from ___________ the earth away.    A. to blow   B. blew    C. blowing   D. blewing 7. Joe is teaching Alice ___________ the chair.     A. how mend    B. how mending    C. how to mending   D. how to mend 8. When I saw her, she was busy ___________ her radio.     A. to repair    B. repair    C. repairing    D. to repairing  9. There’s only one ticket. You had better ___________ the cinema yourself.    A. go to     B. to go    C. going     D. went 10. —Would you go ___________ with me?      
—Sure, I’d love to. A. shop    B. shopping   C. to shop   D. to shopping  【答案解析】 1-5 CBACC   6-10 CDCAB
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