


祈使句的反意疑问句1.祈使句的反意疑问部分为肯定形式,要用shall,will.如:    Pass me the book,will you?2.Let’s表示第一人称的祈使句,反意疑问句为“Shall we?”.如:    Let’s go for a walk,shall we?    Let’s forget it,shall we?3.Let me和Let us 表示第二人称的祈使句,反意疑问句为“will you?”.如:    Let us go for a walk,will you?4.其它行为动词引起的祈使句,无论其陈述部分是否定还是肯定的祈使句,多用“will you?”,表一种客气的语气.如:    Listen to me,will you?    Don’t tell anyone about it,will you?但在肯定的祈使句后有时也用“won’t you?”表“提醒对方注意”或表“邀请”.如:    Have a cup of coffee,won’t you?    Come in and take a seat,won’t you/will you?祈使句用于两个重要句型中1. “祈使句 and 表结果的陈述句”用来叙述肯定的条件.2. “祈使句 or(else) 表结果的陈述句”用来叙述否定的条件,or(else)表示“否则;要不然”.试比较:      Hurry up and you’ll catch the train.(=If you hurry up,you’ll catch the train.)      Hurry up,or you’ll miss the train.(=If you don’t hurry up,you’ll miss the train.)祈使句由直接引语变成间接引语 当祈使句由直接引语变成间接引语时,其常用结构为“ask/request/tell/order sb(not)to do sth”.如:“Speak loudly,please!” the teacher said to me.(=The teacher asked me to speak loudly.)     “Don’t smoke in the meeting room!” he said to Tom.(=He told Tom not to smoke in the meeting room.)
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