
母子用英语表达 与汉语字对应的英文词汇总

母子用英语表达 与汉语字对应的英文词汇总

male and female男女,man and beast人与兽

man and woman男女,meek and mild温和

sweet and sour糖醋,more or less或多或少

mother and child母子,null and void无效

odds and ends零碎,officers and soldiers官与兵

old and trial久经考验,Oxford and Cambridge牛津剑桥

out and away出走,past and present过去与现在

weight and measures重量与尺寸,pick and choose选择

pots and pans坛坛罐罐,puffing and blowing吐烟吹气气

profit and loss盈亏,pros and cons正反

rack and ruin损坏,right and wrong正误

rough and tumble杂乱,rules and regulations规章制度

true or false真假,safe and sound安全

short and sweet少而精,skin and bone皮包骨

slow and sure慢而准,sooner and later早晚

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