
关于友谊的英语对话两人简短 情景对话英语例句参考推荐

关于友谊的英语对话两人简短 情景对话英语例句参考推荐

Conversation 1 Catching Up With A Friend

Henry: I was on the phone for an hour.

Ron: Who were you talking to for an hour?

Henry: Sam, an old friend from college.

Ron: When is the last time you talked to him?

Henry: At college graduation!

Ron: Wow! That was 30 years ago!

Henry: We had a lot of catching up to do.


Be on the phone: 打电话,通电话

Catch up: 抓住,赶上,追上;叙旧,朋友小聚

talk to sb. : 与某人谈话,责备某人

Conversation 2 Meeting an Old Friend

Jason: I had lunch with Sue today.

Steve: Your ex-girlfriend?

Jason: Yes, we bumped into each other at the store.

Steve: She‘s back in town?

Jason: Yeah. She moved back last month.

Steve: Are you going to see her again?

Jason: I‘m single now, so I asked her on a date.

Steve: What did she say?

Jason: Yes! We have more catching up to do.

Steve: Ask Sue if she keeps in touch with Karen, my ex-girlfriend.


Bump into: 偶遇、巧遇某人

Move back: 搬回某处,回到;退缩,后退

ask sb. (out) on a date: 约某人出去

Yes! We had more catching up to do"这里的yes表示“她答应了”之意

Keep in touch with sb. : 和某人保持联系或保持联络

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