


In November when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle carried out their engagement interview with News, the groom-to-be confessed that he hopes to start a family in the near future.


Luckily Markle appears to be on the same wavelength as her beau, as she reportedly told a friend that she “can't wait to be a mother”.


Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne, Markle's close friend and former agent, will appear on a Sky documentary called Harry and Meghan: A Love Story, which airs tonight.

Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne马克尔的前经纪人兼密友将会出演在一档今晚上映,以哈里和梅根:爱情故事的纪录片。

According to MsNelthorpe-Cowne, Markle is ecstatic about the prospect of starting a family.


"Meghan and I were at an event in the Cayman Islands and Meghan discussed her future with me, and I said to her: 'Meghan, what about kids? Would you like to have children?'" Ms Nelthorpe-Cowne stated in the documentary.

“当时梅根和我在开曼群岛出席一项活动,梅根和我谈到了她的将来”我问她:“梅根有没有考虑过孩子的问题,你想要孩子么?”Nelthorpe-Cowne 在纪录片中叙述道。

“She said to me, ‘I would absolutely love to have children, and I can't wait to be a mother.'”


The former Suits actress' desire to become a mother isn't the only snippet of information that MsNelthorpe-Cowne revealed during the interview.


She also outlined the moment she discovered that Markle was romantically involved with the sixth-in-line to the British throne.


“Meghan and I were at lunch and she was really excited that day at lunch and I said to her: 'You look fantastic Meghan. What's going on in your life, you seem excited?'” MsNelthorpe-Cowne said.


“And she said: 'Well yes, I have a date tonight.' And I said: 'Really, with who, do I know him?'“


“And she said: 'Yes I'm sure you'll know him, I’m meeting Prince Harry', and in a whisper she sort of said.



“And I said: 'Who?' And she said: 'Prince Harry, I’m meeting Prince Harry tonight.' And I said: 'Prince Harry?!'”


MsNelthorpe-Cowne then proceeded to ask Markle: "Do you know what you're getting yourself into?"


Prince Harry and Markle have asked for charitable donation in celebration of the royal wedding, with a number of the worthy causes notable for positively impacting the lives of young people.




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