A You must hate our traffic in Beijing.
A 你一定痛恨我们北京的交通。
B No, not at all. I come from New York, remember. Believe me, we get some very bad traffic jams.
B 不,一点也不。别忘了,我是从纽约来。相信我,我们的交通堵塞非常严重。
A But our traffic is worse, surely.
A 但是我们的交通无疑更糟。
B I'm not so sure. It's pretty bad in most big cities. I think the traffic in New York is worse.
B 我不确定。在大多数大城市里交通都很糟糕。我想纽约的交通更糟。
A Really? You surprise me.
A 真的吗?你让我很吃惊。
B You must come and see for yourself one day.
B 有一天你一定要亲自去看一看。
1 In this conversation, two people are discussing traffic / traffic, and traffic jams / traffic jams, which for most people is a problem. Our traffic is worse, surely. / Our traffic is worse, surely. ; I think the traffic in New York is worse. / I think the traffic in New York is worse.
在这个对话中,两个人在讨论traffic /交通和traffic jams /交通阻塞问题,这是大多数人都会遭遇的问题。Our traffic is worse, surely. /我们的交通无疑更糟。I think the traffic in New York is worse. /我想纽约的交通更糟。
2 The man from New York is persuasive: Believe me, we get some very bad traffic jams. / Believe me, we get some very bad traffic jams.
从纽约来的人用的是劝导性的语气:Believe me, we get some very bad traffic jams. / 相信我,我们的交通堵塞非常严重。
Key phrases and sentences
You must hate our traffic in Beijing.
No, not at all. I come from New York, remember.
Believe me, we get some very bad traffic jams.
But our traffic is worse, surely.
I'm not so sure.
It's pretty bad in most big cities.
I think the traffic in New York is worse.
Really? You surprise me.
You must come and see for yourself one day.