1. It’s useless to reproach yourself. 自责是没用的。
2. That dress is just tawdry. 那条裙子太俗艳了。
3. Put your own house in order first! 先拿镜子照照自己!
4. You always claim the moral high ground. 就你自己是君子。
5. My leg went into spasm. 我的腿突然痉挛。
6. I feel so drab. 真是无聊啊。
7. He cried in spells. 他哭一阵停一阵。
8. It’s historical regression. 这是历史的倒退。
9. I actually have an agenda. 其实我有事找你。
10. That was an error of judgment. 判断失误。