




心理学在当前算是发展得尤为迅速的学科,人们对心理学有着强烈的好奇,与之相伴的是较多的误解。利用心理学来掌控我们的生活,这种想法当然美好,但实际情况是怎样的,是否弄巧成拙呢?这篇文章从设定目标这个生活中很常见的情况出发,围绕着好坏两方面进行了讨论。英语文章但凡显得辩证客观的(俗称critical thinking),都要就双方的观点进行阐述和分析。

[As anyone (who has tried to lose weight 1) knows,] realistic goal-setting [generally] produces the best results. That’s [partially] because it appears people (who set realistic goals) [actually] work [more] [efficiently], and exert 2 [more] effort, [to achieve those goals]. 3


注:1. lose weight 减轻体重。例:

However many experts believe that exercise does have a role to play in helping children to lose weight.


[选自:BBC: Link between inactivity and obesity queried]

I agree!After all, I want to lose weight not my health


2. exert vt. 运用;发挥(威力等);行使(职权、职责等);产生(影响等);施加(压力等);尽力,施加影响等:出(大力),使(劲),用(力),尽(力),努力。例:

But there's no doubt that I can exert a profound influence on what my kids believe.


[选自:WSJ: Should My Son Be a Political Mini-Me?]

Its best hope is that China can exert influence over Pyongyang to return to the negotiating table.


3. 这是一个较长的复合句,because引导表语从句至句末,it appears引导省略了that的宾语从句至句末。在该宾语从句中,含有一个who引导的定语从句修饰people。Work和exert为并列谓语,主语为people。

What’s far less 1 understood [by scientists], 2 [however], are the [potentially] (harmful) effects (of goal-setting).


注:1. far less 远不及。例:

Americans have been perfectly happy with far less wealth than most of us have now, and we could quickly become those Americans again – if only we knew we had to.


But she said officers were using the powers far less than they should be.


[选自:BBC: You are in: UK]

2. what引导的主语从句作全句的主语。

Newspapers relay 1 [daily] accounts 2 (of goal-setting) (prevalent in industries and businesses) [up and down3 both Wall Street and Main Street], [yet] there has been [surprisingly] little research (on how the long-trumpeted 4 practice of setting goals) may have contributed5 to the current economic crisis, and unethical behavior [in general].


注:1. relay n. 接替;替换的马;接替人员;接力赛跑

v. 分程传递,转播,使接替。本句中为动词转播意。例:

The satellite will be used mainly to relay television programmes.


2. account n. 帐单;帐目;描述;说明;报道。本句中为报道。例:

He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night.


Almost 3, 000 people have died in the government’s crackdown, according to some accounts.


[选自:CNN: Tanks block access to western Syrian city, activist says]

3. up and down来回地,各处;到处。例:

He looked me up and down.


From now on we can probably expect slight fluctuations up and down, rather than longer-term trends.


[选自:BBC: A tale of midsummer madness]

4. trumpet n. 喇叭,小号。例:

The guide was playing a trumpet, to let all the visitors could hear the interesting echo of the music.


v. 吹喇叭,吹捧。例:

Mark, who is trumpeted as the dance talent of his generation.


But war itself is never glorious, and we must never trumpet it as such.


[选自:WSJ: Obama's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech]

5. contribute vt.捐助;捐(款);贡献出;捐献;投(稿);撰(稿)。例:

“I don’t think anybody wants to contribute to the extinction of a species,” she adds.“


[选自:CNN: More Than We Can Chew]

The Song Dynasty contributed three great inventions to world civilization.


“Goals are [widely] used and promoted . And yet, the same motivation (that can push people [to exert more effort]) [in a constructive 1 way] could [also] motivate people [to be more likely2 to engage in unethical behaviors],” says Maurice Schweitzer, {an associate professor at Penn’s Wharton School}.

宾西法尼亚沃顿商学院的副教授Maurice Schweitzer说:“由于目标可以产生有利影响,所以受到人们的广泛应用和追捧。这种激励能够促使人们以建设性的方式付出更多努力,然而同时,它也很可能促使人们铤而走险,实施一些不道德行为。”

注:1. constructive adj. 建设性的,确有助益的;积极的;建造的,构造上的;建设的;经过解释的;推定的;推论的。例:

What I want us to do, though, is channel our anger in a constructive way.


To create a new, more constructive and more rational culture for our national politics.


[选自:BBC: News | UK Politics | Text of the Lib Lab deal statement]

2. likely adj. 可信的;似乎有理的;(像是)可靠的;可能是真的,很可能的;可能会发生的,适合的;适当的;如所期望的,有希望的;有出息的;前途有望的,大有可能成功的。文中为可能的之意。例:

Noticing that there was likely to be trouble, the coward sneaked away.


We therefore concluded that the ad was irresponsible and was likely to cause serious offense.



“It turns out1 there’s no economic benefit [to just having a goal] – you [just] get a psychological benefit.” Schweitzer says. “But [in many cases] goals have (economic) rewards (that make them [more] .)”


注:1. It turns out事实证明,原来。例:

It turns out that the shoulder altered the course of human evolution by giving us survival skills we never could have imagined without it.


It turns out, the real birthplace of wine may be in a cave in Armenia.


[选自:CNN: Scientists discover 'oldest' winery in Armenian cave]

A prime 1 example (Schweitzer and his colleagues cite) is the 2004 collapse 2 (of energy-trading giant Anron), (where manager used financial incentives [to motivate 3salesmen] [to meet special revenue goals].) The problem, ^Schweitzer says^, is the actual trades were not profitable.4


注:1.prime n.最初,初期;春天;黎明;青年;v.灌注,装填;使起动;为...装火药;在...上涂底漆;做准备;adj.最初的;基本的;原始的;原有的。例:

The water-splashing festival is perhaps the prime example of the trans-cultural nature of Xishuangbanna.


[选自:BBC: The Dai water-splashing festival]

A prime example is…经典写作句型,务必掌握。全书最后的麦当劳宣传文案就用到了该句型。

2. collapse vi. 倒塌,崩溃;垮台。例:

The stands of the stage are going to collapse from the shouting of the crazy audience.


n. 倒塌,崩溃;垮台。文中作名词。例:

The rainstorm caused the collapse of the roof.


Thousands of people slept outdoors, fearing that the buildings they lived in might collapse.


[选自:CNN: Several hurt as quake rattles southwest Turkey]

3. motivate vt. 使有动机,使产生动机;构成行为的动机,激起(行动),促动,激发…的积极性(或学习兴趣);使(学习等)生动有趣。例:

To motivate your people better, figure out what they want and how you can give that to them for doing what you want them to do.


The approach was designed to motivate people to solve problems through highly assertive exchanges.


[选自:FORBES: Most Popular]

4. is后面是表语从句,该从句又是一个主系表结构的完整句子。

Other studies have show that saddling1 employees (with unrealistic goals) can compel 2 them [to lie, cheat or steal]. Such was the case [in the early 1990s] [when Sears impose 3 a sales quota [on its auto repair staff].] It promoted employees [to overcharge 4 for work] and [to complete unnecessary repairs] 5 [on a company wide basis] 6.


注:1. saddle  n.鞍,马鞍;鞍状物;车座;鞍状山脊;v.给装鞍;强加;使负担;跨上马鞍。例:

We know that rising costs will saddle millions more families with unaffordable expenses.


[选自:WHITEHOUSE: Health Insurance Reform Right Now]

2. compel v.强迫;迫使。例:

But they almost certainly cannot compel you to unlock your phone without the involvement of a judge.



3. impose vt.加(负担等)于;施加影响;征(税);罚(款)(常与on,upon连用);(用欺骗手段)把…硬塞给(或卖给);骗售。例:

We fight, not to impose our will, but to defend ourselves and extend the blessings of freedom.


City institutions have always worked behind the scenes to impose changes on company boards.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | Business | The ITV shareholder revolt explained]

4. overcharge n. 过度充电;超载;装药过多

vt. 对……索价过高;使……过度充电

vi. 过度充电;讨价过高。文中为不及物动词,例:

“We can make sure that any entity will not illegally overcharge,” the president said.


[选自:CNN: Bush ready to release 'optimistic' energy plan]


in charge of  负…的责任,主管,负责管理,在…控制 (或管理、监督、看管)之下,受…保护;受…托管。例:

No one is in charge of your happiness except you.


5. 这里to overcharge for work 和to complete unnecessary repairs均为目的状语,动词不定式不能作谓语。比如help sb. [to do sth.],to do不能作谓语,只能表示帮某人是为了干什么,所以为目的状语。

6. 可以看作地点状语,在这样一个范围之内。其实状语的种类虽如语法一篇通里面所说有十来种,但具体到句子中,因为语言的丰富多样,不一定能准确适配。关键在于自己是否理解了该语素在句子中表达了什么信息。

Schweitzer concedes 1 his research runs counter 2 to a very large body (of literature) (that commend the many benefits (of goal-setting).) Advocates (of the practice) have taken issue [with 3 his team’s use of such evidence as news account] [to support his conclusion] {that goal-setting is [widely] over-prescribed 4.}


注:1. concede v.勉强;退让;承认;让步。例:

Even some defenders of the industry concede that the problem is real and potentially calamitous.


[选自:NEWYORKER: Mastering the Machine]

2. run counter 背道而驰。例:

I sensed an odd mix of fatalism and optimism, which both run counter to my own views.


That would run counter to the family tradition of investing for growth.


[选自:ECONOMIST: Reliance Industries]

3. take issue with 与…争论;提出异议。例:

Linda doesn’t dare to take issue with her boss.


Farmers will take issue with that, but it’s clear that the economic impact of fox hunting is pretty marginal.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Business as usual after hunt ban]

4. prescribe v.规定,指定;嘱咐;开,为...开;使失效;规定,指定;给医嘱;开药方;要求。文中为开处方之意。例:

The new study should lead obstetricians to prescribe it more often, some experts said.


[选自:MSN: Morning sickness drug shown safe for babies]

[In a rebuttal paper], Dr Edwin Locke writes: “goal-setting is [not] going away 1. Organizations cannot thrive [without being focus on their desired end results] [any more than individual can thrive [without goals to provide sense of purpose].]”

在一篇反驳论文里,Edwin Locke 博士写道:“设定目标并没有过时。各机构如果不能集中精力于他们所渴望的终极目标,那么他们就不能繁荣发展;就像一个人如果没有目标就会停滞不前一样。”

注:1. go away走开,离开,(带某人、某物)逃走;私奔,过时。例

I hoped it would go away.


There was no guarantee that the topic of Obama's birth would simply go away.


[选自:MSN: Analysis: Obama had no choice in 'birther' fight]

But Schweitzer contends1 the “mounting2 causal evidence” (linking goal-setting and harmful behavior) should be studied to help spotlight 3 issues (that merit 4caution and further investigation.) “Even a few negative effect could be so large that they overweight 5 many positive effect,” he says.


注:1. contend v.奋斗,竞争,斗争;为...斗争;坚决主张,声称。例:

Proponents contend the additional area is needed for new and advanced weaponry and maintaining combat readiness.


[选自:CNN: Scoop: The Military Wants More Wild Blue Yonder]

2. mount n.可乘骑的东西;炮架;底座;山峰; v.登上,爬上;骑上;给备马;增长, 上升;安装;镶嵌。例:

But others were skeptical that hackers could use the information to mount an attack.


[选自:BBC: Unweaving the world wide web]

3. spotlight vt. 聚光照明;使公众注意。例:

Mr. Moriah said Verint's video analytics can spotlight suspicious activities automatically, as they happen.


[选自:WSJ: Software Finds Place in Posse]

4. merit n.优点,价值,功绩;

v. 值得,应受,应受。文中此意,因为that所代为issues,所以merit无需用第三人称单数,后面的further也同样不需要加s。例:

Is the presence of well-regarded street art enough to merit the preservation of a building?


[选自:BBC: Urban art attracts tourists]

5. overweight adj.超重的,过重的;

n. 超重;

vt. 使负担过重,文中作动词。例

He overweights himself with huge muscles.



“Goal-setting does help coordinate and motivate people. My idea would be to combine 1 that with careful oversight, a strong organizational culture 2, and make sure the goals (that you use) are going to be constructive and [not] [significantly] harm the organization, 3” Schweitzer says.


注:1. combine vt. 使结合;使联合,使混合;合并。例:

These devices then combine hydrogen and oxygen to make water and liberate electricity in the process.


[选自:MSN: A dream of a hydrogen economy]

Education must be combined with productive labor.


combine with与...结合;兼具  例:

We must combine theory with practice.


2. to combine that with careful oversight, a strong organizational culture整体作表语,to combine作为动词不定式,不能作谓语,该表语中,可以理解为combine that with culture,即将这个与文化相结合,这个相结合就是my idea了。

3. make sure后面接省略了that的宾语从句,在该从句中,the goals做主语,句子主干是the goals are constructive and not harm the organization.

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