





Imagine waking up and finding the value of your assets has been halved. No, you’re not an investor [in one of those hedge 1  funds] (that failed [completely].) [With the dollar slumping 2 to a 26-year low against the pound], (already-expensive) London has become [quite] unaffordable. A coffee at Starbucks, [just as unavoidable in England as it is in the United States], runs about $8.


注:1. hedge n. 篱笆,障碍物。例:

The nest in the hedge is empty.


In a quiet, Wiltshire lane, a group of young people are planting a hedge.


[选自:BBC: NEWS | UK | England | South: Hoodies and anoraks]

vt. 用树篱围住。例:

Peter has hedged his garden.


2. slump v. 猛地掉下;倒塌。例:

Net profits slumped by 41%.


Who will rescue America from a similar trap now that the whole world is slumping at the same time?


If the economy continues to slump, they may just help you keep your job.


[选自:FORBES: Ten Ways To Get More Done At Work]

slumping sales 销售额暴跌

slumping backwards 仰身倒下去

loess slumping  黄土滑塌

The once all-powerful dollar isn’t doing a Titanic [against just the pound 1]. It is sitting at a record low [against the euro] and at a 30-year low [against the Canadian dollar]. Even the Argentine peso 2 and Brazilian real 3 are thriving [against the dollar].


注:1. pound n. 英镑;重击,重击声;兽栏;拘留所 vt. 捣烂;敲打;监禁,拘留  vi. 连续重击,猛击  例:

Her weight was under 80 pounds.


He pounded the table with his fist.


I’m sweating, my heart is pounding. I can’t breathe.


In contrast, Sturrock was like a man who had lost a penny but found a pound.


[选自:BBC: Houllier must make own luck]

2. peso n.比索(拉丁美洲一些国家和菲律宾的货币单位)

3. real n.雷亚尔(巴西的货币单位)

The weak dollar is a source of humiliation, [for a nation’s self-esteem 1 rests [in part] on the strength (of its currency).] It’s [also] a potential economic problem, [since a declining dollar makes imported food and exerts upward pressure .] And yet there are substantial  2 sectors (of the vast U.S. economy) – ^from giant companies like Coca-Cola to mom-and-pop 3 restaurant operators 4 in Miami^ – (for which the weak dollar is most excellent news.)


注:1. self-esteem n. 自负,自大,自尊。例:

Why do people often have self-esteem problems?


But dads are critical in helping kids to develop self-esteem and constructive habits of behavior.


[选自:WSJ: The Divorce Generation]

2. substantial adj. 实质上的,有内容的,物质的。例:

At present, most analysts do not believe there is a substantial shortage of crude oil worldwide.


[选自:BBC: Iraqi oil worker at an installation at West Quma]

substantial connection 密切联系,实质联系

substantial saving 巨额存款


3. mom-and-pop n. 夫妻店。例:

“Mom-and-pop stores can use their small size to their advantage by making it easier for people,” he said.


4. operator n. 经营者,操作者;[计算机]运算符。例:

She staff five computer operators in her firm.


The plant's operator said radiation levels outside the reactor were still within legal limits.


[选自:MSN: Japan accident dims odds of U.S. nuclear revival]

Many Europeans may view the U.S.  1 superpower> {that has become hostile 2 [to foreigners].} But nothing makes people . [Through April], the total number (of visitors from abroad) was up 6.8 percent [from last year]. Should the trend continue, the number of tourists [this year] will [finally] top the 2000 peak 3? Many Europeans [now] [apparently] view the U.S. (many Americans view Mexico) – [as a cheap place to vacation, shop and party], all [while ignoring the fact] {that the poorer locals can’t afford to join the merrymaking 4.}


注:1. arrogant adj. 傲慢的,自大的。例:

It’s arrogant for you to say that.


“I was blind to how arrogant and self-centered that I had become,” Ensign said in his farewell speech.


[选自:NPR: Analysis: Another Sex Scandal Last Thing DC Needs]

2. hostile n. 敌对;adj. 敌对的,怀敌意的。例:

Foxes, even those raised in captivity, are very hostile to humans and difficult to handle.


[选自:FORBES: The Fossils in Our Genes]

【同】adverse  不利的;contrary  相反的,截然不同的

【反】agreeable 一致的,欣然同意的;friendly;peaceful

3. peak n. 山峰,最高点,顶点;vt. 使达到最高点,使竖起;vi.消瘦;到达最高点;adj.最高的,最大值的。例:

Its shares have steadily lost value since their peak more than five years ago.


[选自:FORBES: The Rise and Fall of Silvio Berlusconi's Fortune]

The firm has slashed its workforce from a peak of 150,000 in 2000.


Temperatures have peaked at over 90 degrees.


Today’s price is 60%lower than the peak level of $1.2 million.


4. merrymaking n. 狂欢者,寻欢作乐

adj. 狂欢的,快乐的

vi. 寻欢作乐(merrymake的ing形式)。例:

Christmas Eve, people dance and sing around Christmas tree merrymaking.


The money (tourists spend) helps decrease our chronic 1 trade deficit. So do exports, (which thanks [in part] to the weak dollar,) soared 2 11 percent [between May 2006 and May 2007]. [For first five months of 2007], the trade deficit [actually] fell 7 percent [from 2006].


注:1. chronic adj. 慢性的,长期的,疾病经久难治的。例:

The strength of traditional Chinese medicine appears to be in treating chronic illnesses, says Mr. Poon.


[选自:WSJ: Putting Traditional Chinese Medicine to the Test]

chronic disease 慢性病,顽疾

chronic poisoning 慢性中毒

n. 患慢性病的人;大麻

【近】inveterate  根深蒂固的;deeply rooted 积习的,成癖的

2. soar v. 飙升,骤然上升。例:

The beef and pork industries, in contrast, have seen global exports soar over the past year.


[选自:WSJ: Locke Urges China to Open to U.S. Firms]

They put down their tools when the price of gasoline fertilizer and pesticides soared.


price soared 价格飙升

unemployment soared 失业率上升

[If you own shares [in large American corporations],] you’re a winner [in the weak-dollar 1 gamble]. [Last week] Coca-Cola’s stock bubbled 2 to a five-year high [after it reported a fantastic quarter.] Foreign sales accounted for 65 percent (of Coke’s beverage 3 business). Other American companies (profiting from this trend include McDonald’s and IBM 4).


注:1. weak-dollar 美元疲软

2. bubble n. 气泡,泡沫;圆形顶;透明圆形罩

vi. 沸腾,冒泡;发出气泡声

vt. 使冒泡;滔滔不绝地说。例:

Emotions tend to bubble just under the surface of the most banal of interactions.


[选自:CNN: Mayor to New York: Get back to business of life]

With soap and water, bubbles and boats, children love bath.


Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling.


bubble economic 泡沫经济

burst your bubble  煞风景,打破人的幻想

3. beverage n.饮料,酒水,饮品类。例:

Alcoholic beverages are served in the hotel lounge.


alcoholic beverage 酒精饮料

beverage crop 饮料作物

food and beverage industry 饮食业

4. IBM 美国国际商用机器公司(International Business Machine)

American tourists, [however], shouldn’t expect any relief 1 [soon]. The dollar lost strength (the way many marriages break up – [slowly, and then all at once 2  ].) And currencies don’t turn on a dime 3. So [if you want to avoid the pain inflicted 4 [by the increasingly pathetic5 dollar],] cancel that summer vacation [to England] and look to New England. [There], the dollar is [still] treated [with a little respect].


注:1. relief n. 救济(金);减轻,解除;安慰;浮雕。例:

Furthermore, radio has a strong and specific role in emergency communication and disaster relief.



Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food.


in relief 显著地;鲜明地

relief valve 安全阀

disaster relief 赈灾

2. all at once 同时;突然,出乎意料,同时一起

3. dime n. 一角硬币,十美分硬币

turn on a dime 事情很快有变化

dime store 折扣店,廉价杂货店

a dime a dozen 多得很,不稀罕,不值钱

on a dime 在极小的空间

4. inflict vt. 造成;使遭受(痛苦、损伤等);给予(打击等)。例:

Unlike other sports the aim of boxing is to inflict bodily harm on an opponent.


[选自:BBC: Women's boxing gains Olympic spot]

Whether you inflict pain on another human or to an animal, the great accountability is the same.


【短】inflict on 使承担(痛苦等);给予(打击等)

Inflict punishment  处以刑罚

5. pathetic adj. 可怜的;伤感的,悲哀的。例:

Ok, I'll ignore your pathetic attempt to be funny here as just a lack of capability.


[选自:ENGADGET: Microsoft's budget 720p HD-5000 LifeCam reviewed (video)]

Who’s pathetic now?


【派】pathetically adv.可怜地,伤感地

【同】poor, sad, melting 可怜的,悲哀的

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