smile 微笑
give a soft smile 莞尔一笑
give a charming smile 嫣然一笑
give a faint smile 淡淡一笑
give a false/ crafty smile 皮笑肉不笑
smile from ear to ear 满面笑容
be radiant with smile 笑容可掬
force a smile 苦笑
squeeze a smile 强颜欢笑
conjure up a smile 满脸堆笑
laugh 大笑
laugh heartily 哈哈大笑
horse laugh 大声狂笑
laugh foolishly 傻笑
laugh grimly 狞笑
laugh in one’s sleeve/ beard 暗中窃笑
laugh one’s head off 笑掉大牙
burst into laughter 笑声阵阵
beam 笑容满面
beam 指眉开眼笑,形容笑得很灿烂(smile radiantly)。
a beaming face 笑容满面
beam with smiles 笑容满面;笑逐颜开
grin 露齿笑
grin 露齿笑,形容笑得很开心,露出牙齿。
grin from ear to ear “笑得合不拢嘴”
chuckle 轻声笑
chuckle 轻声笑,有点忍俊不禁的意味(laugh quietly or with restraint)。
guffaw 狂笑
guffaw 狂笑、哄笑,形容开怀大笑,发出很大笑声(a burst of loud hearty laughter)。
giggle 傻笑
snicker 窃笑
snicker 窃笑、坏笑,通常是偷偷地笑(手捂着嘴)。
a chorus of jeers and snickers 表示一阵嗤笑
sneer 冷笑
sneer 冷笑,讥笑,表示轻蔑的笑容(contempt)。
titter 尴尬的笑
titter 尴尬偷笑,表示一种克制的,难为情的,或做作的笑(to laugh in a restrained, self-conscious, or affected way)。
simper 痴笑
simper 痴笑,一种傻气而讨人厌的笑法(to smile in a silly and annoying way)。