一、 Don't put all eggs in one basket.意思是不要将所有的蛋放在一个篮子里。意谓不要孤注一掷地集中财力做一件事或投资股票等等,倘若一失手,全盘受损。
put 动词,有很多种用法─ put milk to(in) tea 放牛奶在茶里─ put baby to bed 把婴儿安顿睡觉─ put a man in jail 把人关进牢里─ put a child into his hands 把孩子托付给他─ put on your glasses(jacket) 戴上眼镜(穿上上衣)。
─ put away your shoes 拿开鞋子─ put down a riot 镇压平息暴乱─ put the mistake down to someone 将错误推给他人─ can't put up with him anymore 再也忍受不了他
二、 Kill two birds with one stone.意思是一石二鸟、一举两得、一箭双雕。
kill 动词,杀死、弄死─ Killed in action 指士兵战死沙场─ Killed a bill 否决议案─ do something to kill time 做某些事以消磨时间。
─ She is dressed to kill. 她穿的十分迷人。
─ The food really killed my appetite. 那食物令我胃口大倒。
─ The wallpaper kills the furniture. 好好的家具被墙纸衬得不好看了。